GP Portal
GP Portal provides instinctive navigation of content required by GPs and practice staff, with simple search functions and easy-to-use cross referencing. Using these tools, CCGs are able to ensure that clinicians and practice staff remain up-to-date on referrals, pathways, medicines, prescribing, latest news, emergency notifications and more.
This next generation GP Portal builds on the existing functionality of our GP Portal developed for the NHS in Hampshire, the NHS West Hampshire GP Portal.

Accessibility of Health and Social Care Information
HealthWeb Solutions and the University of Bath have published recommendations on how to make health and social care more accessible to people with learning disabilities. The covid-19 pandemic has posed unprecedented challenges of isolation and lack of accessible information. Those with learning disabilities are more reliant than ever on family, friends and carers as well as easy-to-understand guidance and advice about Covid-19 from sources that they know and trust.
Further integration of health and social care systems means that there are opportunities to improve accessibility to information. Read our recommendations here:
An Integrated NHS ‘Use the Right Service’ Campaign
The team at HealthWeb Solutions are pleased to work with a partnership of local authorities and NHS organisations to deliver the strategy, branding and web assets of the now highly recognisable NHS ‘Use the Right Service’ campaign, covering online content, print, social media, radio and outdoor advertising.
Our website, has been recognised by Web User Magazine as one of the internet’s Best New Websites, specifically for providing easy to use information for patients and users of NHS services.

Media and Campaign Delivery for New Forest Mencap
New Forest Mencap contracted HealthWeb Solutions to support the charity with the launch of a national report on aging carers. We are proud to have delivered an integrated public affairs, PR and media campaign, as well as a high profile launch event, which received nationwide coverage.
HealthWeb Solutions is continuing the work with Mencap, University of Bath, Downs Syndrome Association, the Challenging Behaviour Foundation and others to ensure this important work goes on.